),後兩天是 The Stanford Achievement Test (SAT)。
美國學生從三年級起每年需要接受全國性學習評鑑測驗,三年級考語言與數學。Journey 因為是第一年在美國唸書,按美國教育法條規定,可以申請免考語言部分。跟Journey 的IEP老師討論過後,她建議Journey不要考語言測驗,因為怕他挫折感太重。也因為每個學生的成績會列入學校總成績平均的評鑑,大概也怕Journey拉下成績吧! 結果,他們學校全三年級,只有他沒有考語言部分。他可是樂個高興待在圖書館玩耍。
How Can My Child Practice For the 3rd Grade SAT?
The Stanford Achievement Test (SAT) is an untimed, multiple-choice test given to students in kindergarten through 12th grade.
If your 3rd grader needs SAT practice, he or she can practice assessed skills at Internet4Classrooms. This site has free resources for math and language arts practice and is aligned to curriculum standards.
Many states release old standardized test, which you can download for free. You can find standardized tests from your state by going to the website of your state board of education or your child can practice with 3rd grade math and reading tests from Texas.
If you want practice materials specifically geared towards the 3rd grade, you can purchase unlimited online practice tests from Bright Education. If you prefer printed materials, you can also purchase 3rd grade SAT workbooks from Bright Education or Mari Inc..
還一個不錯的數學測驗網站 IXL.Math,超級好用,有各個年級的基本數學技能測驗,這是個需要付費的網站,一個月9元美金,兄弟姊妹都可以玩。 Journey非常喜歡在這個網站上做數學,答對題目馬上有分數,答錯還可以馬上看解答與說明,此外每個單元完成所有題目得100分,馬上給獎牌, 這樣的設計刺激Journey的挑戰力。
實際測驗題練習 可以參考 Texas 三年級數學題目 與 語言題目。
這次考試成果要等到暑假底才會知道結果,到時候我們早已回台灣了!Journey回台灣銜接課程問題肯定多多,真不知道到時該怎麼辦呀!? 可能暑假要請老師特別教了 。
4/1 考完試了,他們班上明天又是Party time. 真的是大考大玩,小考小玩。 Journey 直說數學考題真的很簡單!