1. 閱讀能力評鑑表 (The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS)): Journey的閱讀能力,算是突飛猛進,頗令我驚訝!
這個評鑑用來評估孩子的朗誦理解文章的發展程度,以作為未來指導的參考。 Journey這一年的學習間,共測驗過三次。 他從去年八月份剛入學時,一分鐘他只能朗讀35個字(標準為80~100個字),今年一月份進步到80個字(標準為100~110個字),到四月份更進步到130個字(標準為110~130個字),他從一開始遠低於標準,到現在已經達到標準,真的該給他頒個閱讀進步獎! 現在他可以每天讀完一本Magic Tree House系列故事書。
2.體適能成績與建議單: The President's Challenge Physical Fitness Program。
測驗了仰臥起坐、伏地挺身、來回跑步。發現他的腹部肌力不足,建議他每天做仰臥起坐,免天十分鐘,每星期4~5天。彈性度也要加強,建議每天伸展5~10分鐘,並事先做暖身運動。 耐力,則要加強長距離、長時間的訓練,例如跳繩、走路、騎腳踏車的加強心肺功能的運動,一星期三次,每次二十分鐘。此外,上半身的力量也需要加強,反覆練習做push-ups, pull ups or chin-ups.
3. Skill Report for 2009-2010 Academic Year
閱讀語言發展上,都已經從developing 階段進步到Secure階段。
Good luck next year!
Journey is a smart, sweet boy.
Journey's reading and writing has progressed amazingly well. He's progressed very nicely in third grade. He's very smart. He communicates as if he had been here most of his life. He is a very, very smart boy. He's very curious about his world. That's wonderful. His grades are very good. I am very fortunate to have had him in my class. I love him dearly.
I would like to see his behavior get better. This nine weeks he has been very silly and doesn't always listen and follow directions. I wish you all the best in Taiwan. Here's my home address. Encourage Journey to write me this summer. I will write him back in Taiwan.
Mary Rountree
Mary Rountree